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Prepare. Survive. Thrive.
We went camping for a week and Needed this! Turns out you did too and so we're building them for the masses instead of just our family and friends.
Set up your Kitchen in 5 minutes. Filter 100,000 gallons of water from the nearest stream, rain collection, or spigot. Enjoy drinking, cleaning, washing, or water fighting!

Need a smaller footprint or lower price point? The Slimline model offers both without compromising on quality or necessity.
Set up your Kitchen in 5 minutes. Filter 100,000 gallons of water from the nearest stream, rain collection, or spigot. Enjoy drinking, cleaning, washing, or water fighting!

* Prepare. Survive. Thrive. Supply List (pdf)
* Outfitter Kitchen XL & Slimline Information Flyer (pdf)
* Outfitter Kitchen XL Set-Up Directions (pdf)
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